
恐怖片 欧美  2005  我要报错



Follow the story of several attractive teenagers as they try to have a fun time in a slaughter house after dark. Only to have their fun time make out session interrupted by a sadistic mad man with only one thing in mind, killing. "This is one slaughterhouse that I wouldn"t want to go to!" says Roger Ebert. Watch as the hot young uns struggle to keep alive amongst the many twists and turns this non-stop high octane thrill ride leads you on. "I dont know what is more prevelant in this movie, killing of people or the lack of clothing on the hot starlet shown in the movie poster. Either way its a recipe for a successful film" said movie critic Richard Roeper Cory Nelson gives a powerhouse performance matched by none other as he single handedly saves the day for everyone involved. "Cory Nelson is going to be in my dreams tonight." said Zooey Deschanel, movie goer. But after all the explosive action involved we can all agree, Cory Nelson is one awesome dude!


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