
恐怖片 欧美  2004  我要报错



    A serial killer stalks the streets of West Hollywood on a wild and wooly Halloween night in this gay horror tale. Featuring actual footage of West Hollywood"s flamboyant Halloween Carnival, the film centers on five gay men who are chased by a crazed killer through an obstacle course of outrageously costumed party-goers, dirty dancers and sexy shenanigans. Dylan Fergus, Bryan Kirkwood, Hank Harris, Andrew Levitas and Matt Phillips star.    作为非推敲型惊悚片,再加入血脉喷张的同志夜生活元素,确实让人很难讨厌到哪里去。片子主角缺乏亮点缺乏演技不言而喻,倒是每次镰刀杀人魔行凶时都是裸露上身,头带面具,高大威猛,下手简练快捷,好不性感~让我不禁多少有点期待他的出现。另外看完我也没明白杀人狂为什么要杀掉这些人,他对主人公假眼的兴趣也让我一头雾水。最后的场景貌似还有续集?


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